Category: Events

  • Violinabox. A Redwood Violin Project Spinoff

    Violinabox. A Redwood Violin Project Spinoff

    Taking another angle on the Made Local theme, a group of ten violinmakers in 9 countries across the world are building a single violin. The violin is being passed from maker to maker with each completing the next stage of construction. This collaborative violin building project has three distinctive features People following the project will…

  • Caprice for the Redwood Violin preformed at TEDx Sonoma

    Caprice for the Redwood Violin preformed at TEDx Sonoma

    I was invited to give a presentation about the Redwood Violin Project to TEDx Sonoma. In the spirit of the project I invited a local composer and a local musician to collaborate in the presentation. Felix Herbst’s “Caprice for the Redwood Violin” was performed by 12 year old violinist Henry Miller Hear it here:

  • The Redwood Violin Donated to YPCO

    The Redwood Violin Donated to YPCO

    The Redwood Violin has been donated to the Santa Rosa Young People’s Chamber Orchestra The official handover occurred at a YPCO concert at the Phoenix Theatre, Petaluma where Clair Wu Claire played the solo in Amy Beach’s “A Hermit Thrush at Eve” The Redwood Violin will be loaned out on an annual basis to a…

  • First public appearance. Dancing the sun up on May Morning

    First public appearance. Dancing the sun up on May Morning

    At Dawn on May Morning we took the Redwood Violin to Sebastopol to see the Apple Tree Morris Dance the sun up. Morris dance is an English folk dance tradition, usually danced with a team of six. The costumes, dances and dates for dancing varies between local teams. The Morris tradition has spread across the…

  • Presentation to The Sonoma County Woodworkers Association

    Presentation to The Sonoma  County Woodworkers Association

    With the help of local knowledge The Sonoma County Woodworkers Association is a 30 year old, non-profit association of over 100 professional and amateur woodworkers. Their Artistry in Wood exhibition displaying members’ work is held in the Fall at the Sonoma County Museum and is that institution’s most attended annual event. I’ve been a member…

  • Young People’s Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal

    Young People’s Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal

    The Young Peoples Chamber Orchestra is a group sponsored by the Education Department of the Santa Rosa Symphony. It has around twenty members and, because they are all string players and are able to wear masks, their rehearsals for the spring season are going ahead. They didn’t have an approved site for their first rehearsal…