Mike Center, Woodworker

Mike has always had woodwork in his life. Both his parents were woodworkers and throughout his career as a biologist he had some sort of wood shop going on. Since retiring he devotes more time to it and he now has a very nicely put together home shop in Santa Rosa. He specializes in guitars and ukuleles, and likes to make them, when possible, out of locally sourced wood.

After years of collecting wood from felled trees Mike has gained a knowledge of the characteristics of many California species. He kindly donated manzanita for the fittings, box elder for the blocks, linings and purfling of the Redwood Violin

MIke’s shop. Note the beautifully made storage drawers
Rosette on a guitar, pieced and placed by hand. The white wood is madrone, the red is manzanita. Mike jokes that it takes almost as long to do the rosette as it does for the rest of the guitar
Ukulele necks.